Friday, July 31, 2015

Big News!

Last Friday of the Month
For the first time since participating in The Five Year Project hosted by Misha Gericke, I have something new to report.

I’ve been editing as a courtesy for fellow author friends for years, sometimes in the form of being a Beta, sometimes more. But do you want to know something? My grammar sucks. I’d give great advice on story and flow and voice, but when it came to commas (you all know how I am with commas) and other things, I was little to no help at all.

That’s the real reason I’ve been waiting on advancing our publishing company. I’ve been waiting to get better. I’ve been waiting to have something to offer. A short time ago a light went on. I was doing intensive edits for a friend. It felt so natural, like it’s what I should’ve been doing all along. She took my suggestions and made something incredible. When it was done, I did my normal sigh.

If only…

Thankfully, that time my husband, a technical writer, was in the room with me. I looked at him like I was seeing him for the first time. He knows grammar. He’s one of the best I’ve ever seen. The wheels started turning.

What if…

I pitched the idea to him, of us doing it together; me editing the voice and flow, pace and line, while he focused on copy edits and grammar. The light went on for him, too. It was brilliant. It was simple. It had been there all the time. With that quiet night at home, a first step to our publishing company had been formed. May I present to you: Black and White Editing

What you sign your name to matters. Be proud of your work. We can help.

Because not everyone is a good fit for everyone else, we offer a complimentary first five pages. No obligation. No commitment.

Well, that’s it—that’s my big news! If any of you want to spread the news that would be great, and of course, if you need editing work done, we’d be happy to hear from you. Just click on the link above or the logo to the right.

Have a great weekend,



  1. Congrats! That is wonderful the two of you can work together.

  2. That's wonderful news! Checking it out. :-)

  3. That's awesome!
    We list member services at the IWSG - want me to include yours?

  4. Congratulations! It sounds like a great idea, especially because grammar is so important. I read a book recently that was pretty good; however, it was filled with grammatical errors, which was really distracting and irritating. I'll Tweet about it if you want, but do I Tweet the URL or do you have a Twitter page for it yet?

  5. What a sensible idea! (Sometimes the obvious solution is just staring us in the face.) Good luck with the new venture and hope you get some excellent clients.
